3 ways to win your next listing without giving your marketing away for free By

In a tough property market with competition for available listings hotter than ever, you need to invest your time into a listing presentation that stands out from the crowd.

For many agents, the way to stand out is simply to give something away for free…but what if I told you you could win at listing presentations every time without devaluing your work and your brand?

It’s true!

Standing out from the crowd with a fantastic listing presentation isn’t about giving freebies away or putting on a performance. It’s about being ready to go with the best possible marketing packages, with answers to every possible question and with valuable market insights your potential vendor is not going to get from anyone else.

Every impressive listing presentation should include 3 things:

  • Your demonstrated success at selling similar properties
  • Your marketing processes to find more buyers (and proof that these processes work)
  • Data-driven insights on the local market

In this article, we will explore some simple preparation tips to enhance your listing presentation:

1. Prior to the listing presentation:

If a seller has requested that you appraise their property, ensure you take advantage of this opportunity and be prepared to answer their questions potentially before they even ask them.

Here is a short list of what you should prepare prior to your listing presentation.

  • Similar sales case studies and recent testimonials.

    “I sold 3 Smith Street around the corner last month. We had 30 groups through the first open homes and 4 written offers by that afternoon. I still have a lot of buyers who registered their interest in that property looking for something just like this.”

    Letting potential vendors know that you have recent sales experience with similar listings should help them feel at ease in knowing you have qualified buyers. Follow this up with your recent testimonials and direct the sellers to where they can find your customer feedback online.

  • Market insights.

    As the property market changes it is almost inevitable that a seller’s property value has changed even in the last 3 months. Providing them with data-driven insights on the local market will help to manage their pricing expectations.

  • Your professional pre-listing kit.

    Your pre-listing kit will compile the information for the seller to keep and review once the listing presentation is complete. In addition to the above, your pre-listing kit will also include your marketing collateral highlighting the marketing channels you use to sell the property.

2. During your listing presentation

After you have looked at the property in detail, sit down with the potential seller(s) and explain how you intend to market and sell their property. This is where you need to prove you are the best agent to choose.

What do you do that’s different from other agents? Paint a picture in regard to your marketing approach. 

Of course, this conversation is going to involve the usual marketing channels like your website, real estate portals and photography options. But, sellers will also want to know what other steps you are taking to get their property seen.

What makes your marketing different to every other agent who has spoken to them?

We recommend the following three things to stand out from the crowd.

  • Showcase your buyer interest with property predictions. The iRealty Market Demand Prediction tool displays how many ideal buyers are in your database at any one time, allowing you to prove just how essential your database is to a successful marketing campaign.
  • Present your professional marketing packages. Social media advertising is a must in your marketing processes. Take iRealty’s property campaign for example. If a vendor opts to advertise on social media, you can incorporate our social media package options as a 2-page brochure in your pre-listing kit. Present the campaigns as an option to be seen by thousands of extra buyers and generate more expressions of interest in the property.
  • Show that you can deliver ongoing reports to your vendors for ultimate transparency. iRealty’s vendor reports allow vendors to see how their investment in social media and email marketing is tracking.

3. Post-listing presentation – It’s all in the follow-up

It is now easier than ever to find local real estate agents with sellers opting to speak to multiple agents prior to listing their property. With this in mind, our final tip is to follow up and do so more than once.

Thank the seller for their time and ensure they have no questions following the meeting. Let them know that you will be in touch with them with x information at x time in the future. Reiterate your intentions to market and sell their property, and include your professional marketing brochures. This can easily be done via email with a simple template.

For example:

“Hi [vendor name]!

It was great to get the chance to chat with you about your property.

I know all of that information can be a little overwhelming, so if you find that you have further questions you didn’t get the chance to address during my presentation please reach out at any time either here or over the phone – [phone number].

I’ll drop you a call in the next few days on [date] to discuss next steps. I’ve enclosed a full PDF of my presentation and a rundown of our package options in this email for you to run over for more details in the meantime.”

You’ll want to write these templates up in your own unique voice, but we always recommend reiterating the essentials of your listing presentation and giving your potential vendor a time frame on when they can next expect to hear from you.

We can’t wait to see you put these steps into action.

Happy listing!

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