Introducing iRealty to your vendors

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The relationships you build and maintain with your – past, present and future vendors is key to a successful real estate career. Impressing your potential vendors to win a listing is your number one step in a long and prosperous relationship. But in order to impress you need to be better than the other agents they speak to when deciding to sell their property. 

When you walk into a listing presentation – what are you armed with to ensure you are better than the rest? Is it your local knowledge, your access to buyers or the fact you sold the house next door for a street record? 

If you’re sitting there reading this and you’re not 100% sure or you want to strengthen your argument even further to ensure success time and time again, this should help. In this article we outline a leading marketing strategy that involves maximising the reach, exposure and engagement each of your listings can get in order to stay competitive and delight your vendors.

It’s all in the listing presentation:

According to having access to qualified buyers is a key characteristic vendors look for when selecting an agent. While many agents will say they have hundreds or even thousands of people in their database, iRealty clients have a secret weapon in their toolkit  – the property prediction tool shows vendors in real time, how many people in your database are looking for a property just like theirs, right now. The prediction tool matches buyers on suburb, price and property features.

Now it is also important to demonstrate you have access to qualified buyers who may not be in your database. In the past, vendors might have looked to agents to showcase their property in the local paper in hopes interested buyers would make a note and attend an open home. However, with readership of papers on the decline and social media consumption up, the real estate industry has embraced the change with social media becoming more prevalent in property marketing budgets. 

Speak to your vendors about the benefits of advertising their listing on social media. Social media advertising has the potential to reach thousands of interested buyers and generate leads for each listing. If you really want to ensure that your vendors are partaking in social media marketing, present them with professional packages aimed to increase the exposure and engagement of their listing.

Here’s a simple script when speaking with your potential vendors: 

“iRealty is our marketing platform that allows me to target more buyers for your property. It uses insights from our database to market to ideal buyers. They then use AI to target people who aren’t necessarily on our database but are in or about to be in property mode. This is a great way to maximise the amount of active and passive buyers that see your property. We also have live vendor reports to show you how much reach and engagement your property is getting.” 

Congratulations you won the listing – now the marketing begins: 

iRealty’s marketing platform allows agents to easily showcase listings and their services across social media, email and SMS. Once a listing feeds from your CRM, iRealty’s automated and customised marketing solutions will connect the property with the right buyers. 

Social media:

The perfect platform to target buyers not on your database, and passive buyers in their early stages of research. Both awareness and lead generation campaigns are great ways to increase the exposure of your listings. Simply create an ad within the iRealty social media builder or select an advertising option and our team of marketers will set, monitor and report on your ad for you. 

Email marketing:

Email marketing is one of the best ways to engage your audience and advertise listings.  From automated alerts to customised property newsletters, your email marketing strategy will ensure all matched buyers are aware of your latest listings. Each listing can be featured in automated just listed, open home and other event alerts as well, you can create customised email campaigns to highlight the property. 


SMS has 98% open rate meaning it a great way to target people you have recently contacted or who are ideally matched to the property. Here are 3 simple SMS ideas: 

  1. Send a just listed or coming soon notification to ideal/matched buyers.
  2. Invite ideal/matched buyers to the open home. 
  3. Thank open home attendees and request any feedback on the listing.

Are you looking to impress your vendors and win more listings? Learn more with a personalised demo. 

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