How to Choose Between a Property Email vs Content Rich Newsletters.

If you’re tempted to skip the content in your e-newsletters in exchange for JUST your property listings, watch our video below.

Choosing between sending out a content rich newsletter or a property focused email doesn’t need to be a daunting choice. The simple answer is to send both. The real question is, HOW do you send both without bombarding your database, spamming them with emails and the dreaded unsubscribe?

Let us introduce you to our proven Success Pattern.

This strategy allows you to maintain contact with your whole database (without annoying people and losing subscribers) while your property emails are targeted towards those who are in the market.

Try our Success Pattern in two simple steps.

Step 1: Send a fornightly or monthly content rich newsletter to your entire database. 

Step 2: Send a property focused email (new listings, open for inspections, auctions or just sold) only to subscribers who are engaged with your content and indicate market interest. Use iRealty’s smart filters to identify who these subscribers are.


Key Takeaways: Valuable content gives your subscribers a reason to keep reading and interacting with your e-newsletters. Clickable content means you can track who’s moving in the market. Send these engaged subscribers your property emails and avoid spamming subscribers who aren’t in property mode.

Our team is more than happy to help you get your Success Pattern up and running. We can even manage it for you if you don’t have the time. Just click the button below to learn more.

Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook to keep up with all of our latest tips and tricks.

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