As we head into the final month of 2020, it’s time to start thinking about your marketing for the Holiday season.
It might sound cliche but, marketing during December and January can have a hugely positive impact on the first few months of the year.
Now we are not suggesting that you spam people with new listings and 2021 auction dates, rather make some simple changes to the type of content you are providing over the next 6 or so weeks.
Here are 3 simple ways to optimise your marketing over the holiday period to have a positive impact for 2021:
1. Utilise Automation
Whether you will be enjoying some time away over the holidays or not, it is a good idea to automate some of your marketing. iRealty automation has both property and service based alerts that will automatically send to relevant subscribers.
By automating your service and property alerts you are staying in touch with the your engaged contacts in the market now, without adding extra time to your day.
Having your service alerts set up is especially important during this time as people are spending more time online and will be entering research mode for the new year. Alerts like, welcome emails, preference surveys and appraisal opportunities are going to help you determine who will make a move early in the year.
2. Send at least 2 well crafted newsletters
Your newsletter is one of the best ways to have a personalised message sent to a large portion of your database. By two newsletters, we mean at least one in December and one in January. The aim of both newsletters is similar, to remind your contacts that you are the best real estate agent in their area to sell their property. Secondly, it gets them to start thinking about their property plans in the new year.
A lot of agents speak about Christmas messages being one of the key touch points of the year that they have with past clients. At best it turns into a conversation about plans to make a move in the property market within the new year. At least, it’s a thoughtful and simple way to stay in touch and maintain your awareness in your local area.
Here is an example December newsletter layout:
- Christmas banner
- A personalised message from you and your team
- Showcase a great sales story
- What your achieved in 2020
- A team photo
- A contact agent CTA offering an obligation free appraisal or phone call for the new year.
When it comes to your first newsletter in 2021, you want to provide value about market predictions and reaffirm your expertise for your local area.
Some ideas could include:
- Welcome your database to the new year
- Remind them of a great 2020 sale
- Exciting things coming to market
- Update your 2021 preferences – Property preference survey
3. Pre schedule your social media content:
It’s no surprise that social media use goes up leading into Christmas. People are finishing up work, they have more spare time and they are jumping online to send well wishes to their friends and family.
Now is not the time to stop your social media content. If we can give you 1 tip for the holiday seasons. Be personable.
Now if you work with our iRealtyPro team, our account managers will have this covered and have a specialised Holiday season calendar. For those looking after your own marketing. Let’s assume your office is taking a 2 week break over Christmas and new year. You could focus on 5-6 keys posts.
Choose from the list below:
- A year in review – What have you achieved in 2020 that you are proud of
- A thank you from you and your team
- Office closure information
- A local business or charity shout out
- Merry Christmas (or happy holidays)
- If you have time to snap a pic between Christmas and new year or jump on your story to share something fun
- Happy new year
- Welcome back – return to office post
All but 1 of these posts can be pre scheduled before you take some much needed time off.
Key takeaways: Marketing over the holiday period can have some poowerful results when it comes to leads for the new year. Make sure you continue to provide value to your audience and touch base over this time.