How Much is Your Real Estate Database Actually Worth?

Do you know how much your real estate database is actually worth? If you’ve never asked yourself this question, you’re not alone.

For most Agents, searching for new properties to list is often a time consuming and sometimes frustrating experience. Maybe you’ve poured some money into advertising and had minimal ROI. Or maybe you’re relying on word of mouth, client referrals or even asking family and friends to list their properties for sale.  

If you can’t find new properties to list and it feels like you’re chasing your tail, we have a better way. 

The solution to finding new properties to sell actually lies within your real estate database. Yes, that’s correct. That “pile” of email addresses you’ve accumulated are worth a lot more than you first think. In your database you have both buyers AND sellers, you just need the right tools to reveal them. 

The first step is to understand the potential value of your database.

On our website, you can easily calculate how much your real estate database is worth using our calculation tool. To understand how our formula works, consider this.

Statistics show that in the next 12 months, an average of 3.5% of property owners in Australia will enter the market to sell their property.

If you have 1000 contacts in your database. that means you have 35 potential listings over 12 months. ie 1,000 Contacts x 3.5% = 35 Listings 

If we assume your average commission on the sale is $6000 and you sell 35 properties a year, that’s $210,000 from your database alone! 

35 Listings x $6,000 Commission = $210,000

To use our calculator, all you need to do is
  1. Type in how many contacts you currently have in your real estate database
  2. Select your average gross commission per transaction
  3. We’ll do the rest! 

We’ll calculate how much gross commission you can potentially make from your database alone. 

Now you know how much your real estate database is worth, the next step is to open up communication with your potential sellers. To learn how to generate appraisal leads, speak to our experts by clicking the button below.

Key takeaways: Don’t underestimate the power of your database. Remember that 3.5% of property owners in Australia will enter the market to sell their property. Use our calculator to identify the number of expected transactions based on your database size then calculate your potential database worth over a 12 month period.

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